Best oral appliance for sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a prevalent sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep, this condition not only disrupts sleep quality but can also lead to serious health complications if left untreated.

Individuals with sleep apnea experience episodes where their breathing stops and starts intermittently throughout the night, often leading to loud snoring, daytime fatigue, and in more severe cases, an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

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Traditionally, the most common treatment for sleep apnea has been the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines.

These devices work by providing a steady stream of air through a mask worn during sleep, keeping the airways open.

However, despite their effectiveness, CPAP machines can be cumbersome and uncomfortable for some individuals, leading to issues with compliance and ongoing struggles with sleep quality.

In light of these challenges, oral appliances have emerged as a viable alternative treatment for certain types of sleep apnea, particularly for those with mild to moderate conditions.

These dental devices are designed to keep the airway open during sleep, either by pushing the lower jaw forward (Mandibular Advancement Devices) or by holding the tongue in place (Tongue Retaining Devices).

They are custom-fitted by dental professionals who specialize in sleep disorders, offering a more personalized and comfortable solution for managing sleep apnea.

Despite the promise of oral appliances, it’s crucial to understand that they may not be suitable for everyone.

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The effectiveness of these devices can vary based on the severity and type of sleep apnea, as well as individual anatomical factors.

Therefore, it’s of utmost importance to seek professional medical advice before opting for an oral appliance.

Best oral appliance for sleep apnea

A sleep specialist or a dentist trained in sleep medicine can provide a comprehensive evaluation and determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on one’s specific needs and health conditions.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common yet serious sleep disorder that affects a significant portion of the global population.

It is characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes and may occur 30 times or more an hour.

This pattern disrupts the natural sleep rhythm, leading to a transition from deep sleep to light sleep, resulting in poor sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are three primary types of sleep apnea:

  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
  2. Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)
  3. Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

This is the most common form, occurring when the muscles in the throat relax excessively during sleep, leading to a blockage of the airway. Factors like obesity, large tonsils, or a genetic predisposition can increase the risk of OSA.

  • Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)

Unlike OSA, CSA is not caused by a physical blockage of the airway. Instead, it occurs because the brain doesn’t send the proper signals to the muscles that control breathing.

This form is less common and can be associated with certain medical conditions, including heart failure and stroke.

  • Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea, it is a combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The symptoms of sleep apnea can often be overlooked or mistaken for other sleep disorders.

Common symptoms include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Episodes of breathing cessation witnessed by another person
  • Abrupt awakenings accompanied by gasping or choking
  • Morning headache
  • Daytime sleepiness and fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Mood changes, such as depression or irritability
  • High blood pressure
  • Night sweats

To diagnose sleep apnea, a healthcare provider will review the patient’s medical history and symptoms.

A sleep study, known as polysomnography, is usually required. This test records brain waves, oxygen levels in the blood, heart rate, and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements during sleep.

Health Risks Associated with Untreated Sleep Apnea

If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to several serious health issues:

  • Cardiovascular Problems: Due to the stress of repeated waking, people with obstructive sleep apnea are more likely to develop hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.
  • Daytime Fatigue: The repeated awakenings associated with sleep apnea make normal, restorative sleep impossible. People with sleep apnea often experience severe daytime drowsiness, fatigue, and irritability.
  • Complications with Medications and Surgery: Sleep apnea can be a concern with certain medications and general anesthesia. People with sleep apnea may be more likely to experience complications post-surgery.
  • Liver Problems: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, potentially leading to scarring (cirrhosis) of the liver, may be more prevalent in people with sleep apnea.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: This disorder, which includes high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, and an increased waist circumference, is more likely in people with sleep apnea.

Traditional Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Managing sleep apnea effectively is crucial for overall health and well-being. While there are various treatment options available, the most appropriate choice depends on the type and severity of sleep apnea, as well as the patient’s personal preferences and health considerations.

Here we delve into traditional treatments, primarily focusing on the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines, along with other medical interventions.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machines

CPAP machines are the most widely recommended treatment for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

The machine works by delivering a constant stream of air through a mask, which keeps the airway open during sleep, thereby preventing apneas (pauses in breathing).

  • How It Works: The user wears a mask over the nose, or nose and mouth, which is connected to the CPAP machine. The machine then gently blows air into the throat. The slight pressure keeps the airway open, preventing the collapse that triggers apneas.
  • Benefits: CPAP is highly effective in eliminating snoring and treating sleep apnea. It improves the quality of sleep and reduces the risk of heart problems and other complications associated with untreated sleep apnea.
  • Challenges: Some individuals find it difficult to adjust to sleeping with a CPAP mask. Common complaints include discomfort, noise, a feeling of claustrophobia, nasal congestion, and dry mouth or throat.

Other Mechanical Devices

  • BiPAP Machines: Similar to CPAP, Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) machines provide two levels of air pressure, one for inhalation and a lower one for exhalation.
  • AutoPAP Machines: These automatically adjust the air pressure based on the user’s needs and are ideal for patients who require varying pressure levels.

Lifestyle Changes

For mild cases of sleep apnea or in conjunction with other treatments, certain lifestyle modifications can be highly beneficial:

  • Weight Management: Losing weight can significantly reduce or even eliminate apneic events in overweight individuals.
  • Positional Therapy: In some cases, sleep apnea is more pronounced in certain positions (like sleeping on the back). Positional therapy involves training the individual to sleep in a different position.
  • Avoiding Alcohol and Sedatives: These substances can relax the muscles in the throat and can worsen obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea.

Surgical Options

In some cases, surgery might be recommended, especially when other treatments have failed, or when an anatomical problem is causing the apnea.

Surgical options include:

  • Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP): This involves removing excess tissue from the throat to widen the airway.
  • Maxillomandibular Advancement: The jawbone is moved forward from the remainder of the face bones to enlarge the space behind the tongue and soft palate, reducing airway obstruction.
  • Nasal Surgery: Includes correcting a deviated septum or removing polyps.
  • Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation: A relatively new treatment, where a stimulator is implanted in the chest and connected to the hypoglossal nerve, which controls tongue movement.

Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea

Oral appliances have emerged as a popular and effective alternative for managing sleep apnea, especially for those with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea or for patients who find CPAP therapy cumbersome.

These dental devices are less intrusive than CPAP machines and offer a viable solution for many patients.

Oral appliances are custom-fitted devices that an individual wears in their mouth during sleep.

They work by either advancing the lower jaw or holding the tongue in a forward position, thus preventing the airway from collapsing.

This section will cover the types of oral appliances, how they work, and the process of obtaining one.

Types of Oral Appliances

  1. Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs): These are the most commonly used oral appliances for sleep apnea. MADs look similar to sports mouthguards and work by gently pushing the lower jaw forward and down slightly.
  2. Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs): These devices work by holding the tongue in a forward position, preventing it from blocking the airway. TRDs are less commonly used but can be an option for patients who cannot adequately advance their lower jaw.

Custom Fitting Process

The process of getting an oral appliance involves several steps:

  1. Consultation with a Dentist or Sleep Specialist: Patients interested in an oral appliance should consult with a dentist who specializes in sleep medicine or a sleep specialist. This initial consultation usually includes a comprehensive examination of the teeth, jaw, tongue, and airway, and a review of the patient’s medical and sleep history.
  2. Impressions and Bite Registrations: If an oral appliance is deemed suitable, the next step involves taking impressions of the teeth and a bite registration. These are used to create a model of the teeth, which is then sent to a dental lab where the appliance is made.
  3. Fitting and Adjustments: Once the oral appliance is ready, the patient returns for a fitting. The dentist will adjust the appliance to ensure it is comfortable and effective.
  4. Follow-up Appointments: Regular follow-ups are crucial. These appointments allow the dentist to monitor the patient’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to the appliance.

Effectiveness of Oral Appliances

  • Efficacy in Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea: Research shows that oral appliances can be highly effective in treating mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Comparison with CPAP: While CPAP is generally more effective for severe sleep apnea, oral appliances are a preferred alternative for many due to their convenience and comfort, especially in cases of mild to moderate sleep apnea.
  • Improvements in Symptoms: Patients using oral appliances often report significant reductions in snoring and apnea episodes, as well as improvements in sleep quality and daytime alertness.

Advantages and Limitations

See below;


  • More comfortable and less intrusive than CPAP machines.
  • Portable and convenient for travel.
  • No noise, unlike CPAP machines.
  • Easier maintenance and care.


  • May not be suitable for severe cases of sleep apnea.
  • Potential for jaw discomfort or changes in bite with long-term use.
  • Regular follow-ups required for adjustments.

Advantages of Oral Appliances

Oral appliances have become increasingly popular for the treatment of sleep apnea, particularly for those with mild to moderate forms of the condition.

Their growing preference among patients and sleep specialists alike is due to a variety of benefits they offer over more traditional treatment methods like CPAP machines.

Here, we explore these advantages in detail, alongside clinical evidence supporting their effectiveness.

Comfort and Convenience

One of the most significant advantages of oral appliances is their comfort and convenience compared to CPAP machines. Unlike the bulky and often intrusive CPAP, oral appliances are small, lightweight, and easy to wear.

They resemble mouth guards used in sports, fitting entirely inside the mouth. This design makes them particularly appealing for patients who feel claustrophobic with a CPAP mask or find the machine too cumbersome, especially during travel.

  • Ease of Use: Oral appliances are simple to use. Once fitted by a professional, they require minimal adjustment, and patients can easily put them in and take them out without assistance.
  • Portability: These devices are highly portable, making them an ideal choice for travelers. Their small size allows for easy packing without the need for special arrangements or additional luggage space.

Clinical Effectiveness

Clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of oral appliances in treating sleep apnea, particularly in cases of mild to moderate severity.

  • Reducing Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI): Many studies have shown that oral appliances can significantly reduce the AHI, which measures the severity of sleep apnea.
  • Improving Oxygen Saturation: They also help in maintaining better oxygen levels during sleep by preventing airway collapse.
  • Enhancing Sleep Quality: Patients often report a noticeable improvement in sleep quality, with fewer awakenings and a reduction in daytime sleepiness.

Patient Preference and Adherence

Adherence to treatment is crucial in managing sleep apnea effectively. Oral appliances score high in this regard, as many patients find them more acceptable and easier to adapt to than CPAP machines.

  • Higher Compliance Rates: Studies indicate that patients are more likely to use their oral appliances consistently compared to CPAP.
  • Subjective Satisfaction: Patients often report greater satisfaction with oral appliances, citing factors like comfort, ease of use, and freedom from machine noise.

Suitability for Different Cases

Oral appliances are not a one-size-fits-all solution, but they offer a viable alternative for various cases of sleep apnea.

  • Mild to Moderate Cases: They are particularly suited for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea who cannot tolerate CPAP.
  • CPAP Intolerance: For patients who have tried and failed to adapt to CPAP, oral appliances offer an effective alternative.
  • Combination Therapy: In some cases, oral appliances can be used in conjunction with CPAP, offering a combined benefit, especially in patients with severe sleep apnea who require lower CPAP pressures.

Side Effects and Considerations

While oral appliances have many advantages, it’s important to consider potential side effects as well.

Some users may experience jaw discomfort, changes in bite, or tooth movement, though these are generally mild and manageable with regular follow-up care.

Considerations and Limitations of Oral Appliances

While oral appliances offer a convenient and effective treatment option for many individuals with sleep apnea, it’s important to consider their suitability, potential limitations, and side effects.

This section provides a comprehensive overview of these aspects, helping patients make informed decisions about their treatment options.

Suitability of Oral Appliances

The effectiveness of oral appliances can vary depending on several factors:

  • Type and Severity of Sleep Apnea: Oral appliances are generally most effective for mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. Patients with severe sleep apnea may require more aggressive treatment options like CPAP or surgery.
  • Anatomical Factors: The structure of an individual’s jaw, tongue, and airway can influence the effectiveness of an oral appliance. For example, patients with a retrognathic (receding) lower jaw may benefit more from these devices.
  • Overall Health and Comorbidities: Other health conditions, such as temporomandibular joint disorders, severe dental issues, or certain types of respiratory diseases, may affect the suitability of an oral appliance.

Potential Side Effects and Discomfort

While many patients adapt well to oral appliances, some may experience side effects, especially during the initial phase of use:

  • Temporary Jaw Discomfort or Pain
  • Changes in Bite
  • Tooth Movement or Gum Irritation
  • Dry Mouth or Excessive Salivation

Importance of Regular Follow-ups and Adjustments

Continued effectiveness and comfort of oral appliances require regular follow-up appointments.

These are essential for:

  • Adjusting the Device: Over time, the fit of the appliance may change, requiring adjustments.
  • Monitoring Dental Health: Regular dental check-ups are important to ensure that the appliance is not causing any long-term dental problems.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness: Follow-up sleep studies or assessments may be necessary to determine if the appliance continues to effectively manage the sleep apnea.

Comparing to Other Treatments

While oral appliances are an excellent option for many, they are part of a spectrum of available treatments for sleep apnea, including:

  • CPAP Therapy: Often considered the gold standard for severe sleep apnea, but compliance and comfort can be an issue for some patients.
  • Surgical Options: Various surgical procedures can be considered, especially in cases where anatomical anomalies contribute to sleep apnea.
  • Lifestyle Changes: In conjunction with other treatments, lifestyle modifications such as weight loss, exercise, and avoiding alcohol can be beneficial.

How to Get an Oral Appliance

For individuals considering an oral appliance as a treatment option for sleep apnea, understanding the process of obtaining one is crucial.

This section outlines the steps involved, from initial consultation to the final fitting and use of the appliance, as well as considerations regarding insurance and cost.

Initial Consultation with a Healthcare Provider

The journey to getting an oral appliance begins with a consultation with a healthcare provider, typically a dentist who specializes in sleep medicine or a sleep specialist. During this consultation, the following steps are usually taken:

  1. Review of Medical and Sleep History: The provider will review the patient’s medical history, symptoms of sleep apnea, and any previous treatments or studies related to sleep disorders.
  2. Physical Examination: A thorough examination of the mouth, jaw, and throat is conducted to assess the structure and to identify any potential issues that might affect the use of an oral appliance.
  3. Discussion of Treatment Options: The provider will discuss various treatment options, including the use of oral appliances, and will explain how these devices work, their benefits, and potential drawbacks.
  4. Sleep Study Referral: If the patient hasn’t had a recent sleep study (polysomnography), the provider may recommend one to confirm the diagnosis of sleep apnea and its severity.

Getting a Custom-Fitted Oral Appliance

Once an oral appliance is deemed appropriate, the next steps involve getting it custom-fitted:

  1. Dental Impressions: The dentist takes impressions of the patient’s teeth. These impressions are then used to create a precise model of the teeth.
  2. Bite Registration: The dentist determines the most effective jaw position to keep the airway open and records this position. This information is used in conjunction with the dental impressions to fabricate the appliance.
  3. Manufacturing the Appliance: The dental impressions and bite registration are sent to a dental lab where the oral appliance is custom-made.

Fitting and Adjustments

After the oral appliance is ready, the patient will have a fitting appointment:

  1. Initial Fitting: The dentist ensures that the appliance fits correctly and makes any necessary adjustments for comfort and effectiveness.
  2. Instruction on Use and Care: The patient receives instructions on how to wear and care for the appliance, as well as guidance on how to adjust it if needed.
  3. Follow-Up Appointments: Follow-ups are scheduled to assess the fit of the appliance, make adjustments, and evaluate the treatment’s effectiveness.

Insurance and Cost Considerations

  • Insurance Coverage: Many insurance plans, including Medicare, cover oral appliances for sleep apnea treatment. However, coverage can vary, so it’s important to check with the insurance provider.
  • Costs: The cost of an oral appliance can vary depending on the type of appliance and the geographic location. It’s advisable to discuss costs and payment options with the dentist.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the oral appliance. This includes regular cleaning, proper storage, and periodic check-ups with the dentist.

Living with an Oral Appliance

Adapting to life with an oral appliance for sleep apnea involves more than just wearing the device.

best oral appliance for sleep apnea
best oral appliance for sleep apnea

It encompasses understanding how to integrate it into your daily routine, managing potential side effects, and maintaining the appliance for optimal performance.

This section provides insights and tips for those embarking on this journey.

Adjusting to Sleeping with an Oral Appliance

The initial phase of using an oral appliance can be challenging for some individuals. Here are key considerations and tips for adjustment:

  • Gradual Introduction: Start by wearing the appliance for short periods during the day to get accustomed to the feel. Gradually increase the wearing time each night until you can tolerate it for the full sleep duration.
  • Managing Discomfort: Some minor discomfort or soreness in the jaw and teeth is common initially. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help, but if discomfort persists, consult with the dentist for adjustments.
  • Consistency is Key: Regular use is crucial for the success of the treatment. Consistency helps in quicker adaptation to the appliance.

Importance of Lifestyle Changes

In conjunction with using an oral appliance, lifestyle changes can significantly enhance treatment outcomes:

  • Weight Management: If overweight, losing weight can reduce the severity of sleep apnea symptoms.
  • Avoiding Alcohol and Sedatives: These substances can relax the muscles in your throat, worsening sleep apnea.
  • Smoking Cessation: Smoking can increase swelling in the upper airway, which may worsen sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Regular Exercise: Exercise can help improve sleep apnea symptoms, even without weight loss.

Maintenance and Care of the Appliance

Proper care and maintenance of the oral appliance ensure its effectiveness and longevity:

  • Daily Cleaning: Clean the appliance daily using a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive cleaner. Avoid using toothpaste as it can be abrasive.
  • Regular Dental Check-Ups: Regular visits to the dentist are important for ensuring the appliance is in good condition and fitting properly.
  • Storage: When not in use, store the appliance in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight.

Follow-Up Visits

Regular follow-up visits with the dentist or sleep specialist are critical:

  • Adjustments: The appliance may require periodic adjustments to maintain effectiveness and comfort.
  • Monitoring Treatment Efficacy: Follow-up assessments, possibly including sleep studies, help determine if the appliance is effectively managing the sleep apnea.

Emotional and Social Considerations

Adapting to an oral appliance also has an emotional and social component:

  • Communication with Partner: Discuss the treatment with your sleeping partner. Their support can be invaluable in adjusting to and maintaining the treatment.
  • Handling Social Stigma: While there is less stigma associated with oral appliances compared to CPAP machines, some individuals may still feel self-conscious. Remember, prioritizing health is paramount.

Concluding remark on the Best oral appliance for sleep apnea

The journey through understanding and managing sleep apnea with oral appliances culminates in recognizing their significant role in improving sleep quality and overall health.

Oral appliances have emerged as a key player in the sleep apnea treatment arena, offering an effective alternative for those who find traditional CPAP therapy challenging.

The effective management of sleep apnea with oral appliances can lead to improved overall health outcomes.

By reducing the risks associated with untreated sleep apnea, such as cardiovascular issues, daytime fatigue, and cognitive impairments, patients can experience a significant enhancement in their quality of life.

Oral appliances represent a significant advancement in the realm of sleep apnea treatment.

Their role in providing a viable, comfortable, and effective alternative to CPAP therapy has been transformative for many patients.

As awareness and technology continue to advance, these devices are likely to become an increasingly integral part of sleep apnea management strategies.

FAQs on Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea

Here are  the answers to the most of the asked questions everyone ought to know;

  1. What is an oral appliance for sleep apnea?

An oral appliance is a custom-fitted dental device worn during sleep. It’s designed to maintain an open, unobstructed airway in the throat by either repositioning the lower jaw, tongue, and soft palate or stabilizing the lower jaw and tongue.

  1. How effective are oral appliances in treating sleep apnea?

Oral appliances can be very effective for individuals with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. They are particularly beneficial for patients who are unable to tolerate CPAP therapy. The effectiveness can vary depending on the individual’s specific condition and the type of appliance used.

  1. Are there different types of oral appliances?

Yes, there are mainly two types: Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) and Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs). MADs are more commonly used and work by moving the lower jaw forward, while TRDs hold the tongue in a forward position to keep the airway open.

  1. How do I know if an oral appliance is right for me?

Determining if an oral appliance is suitable involves a consultation with a sleep specialist or a dentist trained in sleep medicine. They will evaluate your sleep apnea severity, mouth structure, and other health factors to decide if an oral appliance is appropriate.

  1. What are the side effects of using an oral appliance?

Some common side effects include jaw discomfort or soreness, changes in bite, tooth movement, or gum irritation. These are typically temporary and can often be managed with adjustments to the appliance.

  1. How long does it take to get used to an oral appliance?

Adjustment periods vary, but most people get used to wearing an oral appliance within a few weeks. Gradually increasing the wear time and following the dentist’s instructions can help ease the transition.

  1. Can I use an oral appliance if I have dentures?

This depends on the type of denture and the overall health of your gums and remaining teeth. Some oral appliances can be designed to work with dentures, but it’s important to discuss this with your dentist.

  1. How do I care for my oral appliance?

Daily cleaning with a soft brush and non-abrasive cleaner is recommended. Avoid using toothpaste as it can be too abrasive. Also, store the appliance in a dry, cool place when not in use.

  1. Will my insurance cover the cost of an oral appliance?

Many insurance plans, including Medicare, cover oral appliances for sleep apnea treatment. However, coverage varies, so it’s important to check with your specific insurance provider.

  1. How often will I need to replace my oral appliance?

The lifespan of an oral appliance varies depending on wear and tear, but on average, they may need to be replaced every few years. Regular check-ups with your dentist will help determine when a replacement is needed.

  1. What are the pros and cons of using an oral appliance for sleep apnea?


  • Comfort and Convenience: Oral appliances are smaller and more comfortable compared to CPAP machines, making them easier to use, especially for travel.
  • Higher Compliance Rates: Due to their ease of use and comfort, many patients adhere better to treatment with an oral appliance.
  • Effective for Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea: They are particularly effective for patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Non-Invasive: Oral appliances do not require surgery or external devices that can be cumbersome.


  • Limited Efficacy for Severe Sleep Apnea: They may not be as effective for severe cases of sleep apnea as CPAP machines.
  • Potential Dental Issues: Some users may experience jaw discomfort, changes in bite, or tooth movement.
  • Regular Adjustments Required: Oral appliances may require frequent adjustments and monitoring by a dentist.
  • Initial Discomfort: Some people may experience discomfort or difficulty adjusting to the appliance at first.
  1. Where can I buy an oral appliance for sleep apnea?

Oral appliances for sleep apnea should be obtained through a qualified dentist or orthodontist, particularly one who specializes in sleep medicine or dental sleep therapy.

These devices are custom-fitted to your mouth, which requires professional assessment and fitting. Over-the-counter or online-purchased devices are generally not recommended as they may not be effective and could potentially cause harm.

It’s important to have a proper diagnosis and consultation with a healthcare provider before obtaining an oral appliance.

  1. What are the different types of oral appliances for sleep apnea?

The two main types of oral appliances for sleep apnea are:

  • Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs): These are the most commonly used type of oral appliance. They work by moving the lower jaw (mandible) forward, which helps keep the airway open. MADs are similar in appearance to mouth guards used in sports.
  • Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs): These devices hold the tongue in a forward position to keep the airway open. They are less common than MADs and are usually used for patients who cannot adequately advance their lower jaw.


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