How to Fix Crooked Teeth Without Braces at Home

Every one of us wants to look good and steal the show once we arrive at the party, flashing our beautiful set of teeth. People usually notice our faces and smiles once we meet them.

However, not everyone is proud of their dentition due to their ‘crooked teeth,’ which is one of the most common dental problems globally. It could be as bad as affecting their self-esteem.

A person with crooked teeth (also known as malocclusion) could also face gum problems or have difficulty in eating, aside from social issues they encounter. The good news is that crooked teeth are curable. Hence, you can choose to visit the dentist or carry out the treatment at home.

Traditionally, dental experts are the only ones with the skills to fix crooked teeth, but recent technological advancements have introduced other options.

If you choose to carry out the treatment at home, this article will guide you in the best measures to take. You will learn how to fix crooked teeth without braces at home, their causes, and why you should straighten them. Keep reading as we unfold the points.

Consider the following before proceeding:

  • Whereas braces are classically considered the best way to straighten teeth, some people don’t like the metallic look of conventional braces (or their high cost). Coincidentally, you can straighten your crooked teeth without getting braces fitted
  • It is more time-consuming to fix crooked teeth at home than to visit the dentist
  • If your teeth are extremely crooked, chances of fixing them at home are quite low
  • The only reason to try it at home is if you are aware of the extent of the teeth misalignment.

Is it possible to fix crooked teeth naturally?

Veneers, wires, and expanders can be discomforting when straightening the teeth. There are both good and harmful options you can find on the internet if you choose to fix it at home.

This is why you need to be careful in following guidance from the wrong avenue. Naturally trying to fix the teeth does not guarantee effectiveness or your safety. Hence, you may experience the following in the process if you use the wrong tools:

  1. Infection: Using a rubber band, essential oils, or other DIY tooth straighteners can lead to infection.
  2. Pain: Remember your gum and palate are soft tissues and must be handled with care. When you push and pull at your teeth for a long, it may lead to pain and bleeding.
  3. Cracking: Harmful objects like metals and sticks around teeth may crack them.
  4. Toxin exposure: If you allow metals to stay too long in your mouth, they may expose you to toxins.
  5. Fracture: If you push the teeth too hard, you may break them. When this happens, it may lead to other health issues and the enamel does not regrow.

Why you should fix your Crooked Teeth

Straight teeth provide aesthetically pleasurable looks and are  considered attractive. One of the reasons to realign crooked teeth is because they may affect your self-confidence. As a result, you may find it challenging to smile or laugh openly.

They could also affect your health adversely if you left them without attention. But if you fix your teeth, you can restore those smiles. According to the American Dental Association, crooked teeth can cause the following health issues:

  • Irregular wear and tear to the enamel
  • Difficulty in speaking or cleaning your teeth
  • Poor oral hygiene, which results in gum diseases or cavities
  • Jaw issues, etc.

What are the Leading Causes of Crooked Teeth?

There are diverse factors that can cause crooked teeth. Some of them include:

  • Genetics: Crooked teeth can be transferred genetically. If your parents have misaligned teeth, chances are you and your siblings would inherit it.
  • Injury: An accident to the face or jaw may affect your dentition or realign your teeth and cause them to be crooked.
  • Incorrect tongue posture: If your tongue is not pressed to the palate, it may not provide the appropriate support for the mouth. It may result in a contraction of the upper jaw, leaving no room for the teeth to breathe.
  • Tooth loss: This is another cause of tooth misalignment. If a tooth is lost and not replaced, the others around it may naturally shift towards the gap to fill it, which leads to crooked teeth.

Can You Prevent Crooked Teeth?

Some causes of crooked teeth can be avoided, while others cannot. Follow the below instructions to lower the chances of having crooked teeth or worsening existing ones:

  • Do not breathe through the mouth. People who breathe through the mouth have higher risks of developing crooked teeth, according to studies.
  • Practice good oral hygiene: Floss your teeth once and brush them twice daily. Also, avoid bad habits like thumb-sucking, nail-biting and teeth-grinding. Doing so reduces the risk of tooth decay and other diseases that may add to tooth misalignment.
  • Treat existing conditions: If you have crooked teeth, consult your dental physician before carrying out any do-it-yourself treatment. It helps you to be aware of whether the condition you want to realign at home is doable or not.
  • Get your wisdom teeth removed: Once your wisdom teeth appear, they may crowd the mouth and affect the other teeth adversely. This can lead to teeth realignment or even cause difficulty in chewing. Talk to your dentist about it and consider removing them before they affect the rest of your teeth.
  • Sleep on your back: sleeping on your stomach causes a regular, gentle inward pressure by the lips and outward pressure by the tongue. It can get bad if you place your hand under your head while sleeping. To prevent the teeth from moving, try sleeping on your back.
  • Avoid leaning your face on your hand frequently: it is typical for people to lean on their hands while working or studying. This could apply persistent pressure on your teeth, slowly pushing the teeth inward, and leading to crooked teeth.
How to Fix Crooked Teeth Without Braces at Home
Image by deringölge serin from Pixabay

How do you fix Crooked Teeth at Home?

Many dental experts recommend one to visit the orthodontist for bracing the teeth if one notices any crookedness. However, they would charge some money to carry out the task, which may be too much for one to pay sometimes.

That is why you may choose to brace it at home to save cost and time. Clear aligners are widely used. Although is mostly used by dental experts, you can also use it at home to fix your crooked teeth.

If you are planning to brace your teeth at home, here are simple methods to follow:

  1. Finger pressure: among the easiest methods of bracing teeth at home is finger pressure. To do it, apply gentle pressure on your teeth towards the direction you want it to be. Do not push it too hard to avoid damaging your gum and teeth. Your gum and palate are soft and must be considered before applying the pressure. The long-term effect may not be worth the effort if you damage anything.
  2. Dental floss: In this method, you use dental floss instead of your fingers in applying the pressure. Dental floss is a thing thread specifically for cleaning the teeth. Ensure to apply it gently to avoid damage to the teeth.
  3. Pressure by tongue: Your tongue exerts a certain level of pressure on your teeth and moves them gently in the direction you want. Placing your tongue in the space along the gum line and pushing it in the appropriate direction helps to straighten the teeth. Do this over time to achieve the result you desire. But the current alignment of the teeth determines the time to fix it.
  4. Clear plastic aligners: This approach is the best and quickest to fix your crooked teeth. A plastic aligner is easily removable after using it to align your teeth. But before using it, heat the device in hot water and fit it into your mouth. You must wear it for at least 22 hours daily until you achieve your goal. The clear aligner can be removed each time you want to eat and be fixed back afterward. It is a clear, plastic simple device made for this purpose.

Conclusion on How to Fix Crooked Teeth Without Braces at Home

Fixing crooked teeth without braces at home is achievable, but may cost you more if you are not careful.

That means you must follow instructions religiously to avoid complications. This article has explained the methods you can use and how to avoid problems resulting from them.


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